Easy and safe curbside and store pickup
Curbside and Store Pickup with automated notifications

Unlimited Locations
Select any location at your convenience from our unlimited locations

Customize Dates and Pickup Times
Customize dates and pick-up times to your own preference and availability.

SMS Notifications
Automated SMS notifications at every step of the delivery process to have a hassle-free delivery experience
What’s in it for Shopify Buyers?
Safe and contactless delivery amidst COVID-19 pandemic.
Select any available location and pickup time at your convenience
Hassle Free
Receive notifications from store owners at every step of the delivery
What’s in it for Pickup Store Owners?
✓ Customize your available dates and pickup times.
✓ Cancel out any day(s) of the week you want.
✓ Customize order preparation time of every branch.
✓ Receive all the campaigns pre-installed.
✓ Filter orders by the status-completed or pending.
✓ Change the status of your store – open or closed.
✓ View all the available timings that you have selected.
✓ View the count of all ‘received’ and ‘sent’ messages.
Get Free 14 Days Trial
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